Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday's List

Every Monday I sit down and write out lists of everything that needs to be acomplished each week.  I have a list for work and a list for personal items.
This weeks list is,
            1. Get Flu shots!!!
              • Crazy how this seems to be so hard to get done.  You can have them done almost anywhere, yet I still can't seem to find the time.
            2. Finish essay quiz for class-Geneology
              • Uhg
            3. Start Krispy Kreme assingment-Managment
              • This sounds very interesting...
            4. Figure out a new Doctor
              • Apperently, my doctor moved? No one told me this. No I have to trudge around to find a new one and seemingly no one at the current office is taking new patients.
            5. 30 Second Planks Every Freaking Day!
              • Seriously Jen..Get with it.
            6. 50 Squats Every Freaking Day!
              • Uhg
            7. Update Buget - Non-pay week
              • Non-pay weeks I just go through and mark off what items have cleared our accounts and when.  I'd love to start a finance and debt area on here... maybe that will be on next weeks list?
This is a pretty quiet least on the home front. 
Work has started off insane! Let's hope that slows down too.

You are my Sunshine...

I have never been one for singing... I know my voice is terrible so I just don't.  I have left all the singing of nursery rhymes to my husband. But lately I have been stuck on the song my sister and I used to sing as children. I have been singing it non-stop to Andrew for days now.
Of course, I only knew the first verse so I had to look up the rest of the words.
First of all, it was written in 1939! I am always surprised by how old things are. I am going to have to hunt down a recording on it.
After looking up the rest of the lyrics I found that its not the best song for a mother to sing to her child.  It's actually a song about a person begging their significant other not to ever leave them. Still a pretty song, but I am not crazy about begging relationships or desperation.

Doesn't matter though, I still love this song and I think I am going to find away to incorporate it into Andrews room. 
There are so many creative and pretty ways to do it.

"You Are My Sunshine"
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamt I held you in my arms
When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head, and I cried

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

I'll always love you and make you happy
If you will only say the same
But if you leave me to love another,
You'll regret it all one day

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

Please don't take my sunshine away

Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday's Favorites

Not a whole lot going on right now, but I am currently obsessing over these,
Sweet Mint. 
 I read about both this one and the one below on another blog.
 (If I can remember which, I will link them.)
I haven't tried any others...yet. This one has been so amazing, I have found myself longing for when I get to use it again. Once every minute and a half isn't too much, right?
Cake Batter.
Chapstick has always been a go to in our house but this flavor... Love it!
 Alabama Loafer
I bought these on sale last spring and never really wore them.  As of September, I think I have worn them nearly every day.  They are so comfortable and look great with everything!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Survival Kit Essentials

I found this little gem from Bri at Simple Delights.  (The Blue text is her words, not my own. )     
What a neat question... and given my post about my sister and I's texting conversation.. how fitting. 

Picture this. A person we will name Todd (keepin’ it real)  comes into your house and tells you to grab 4 or 5 things and follow him. You have NO clue where you are going to go, what you are going to do, and how long you will be gone. We’ll call these your personal survival kit essentials.
What would you grab?
Now, don’t think too hard. Just 4 or 5 simple things you would quickly grab. No judgment. And obviously you would already have your clothes that you have on and shoes (so no need to grab an extra pair of shoes unless that is your thing. No shame if it is, dear friend!)

1. Easy, My cell phone.  When am I ever with out this thing. 

2. My 'emergency' bag in my purse.  It has all I need in one small cosmetic bag.
  • Tylenol
  • Make-up
  • Cell phone charger
  • Band aides
  • Hair ties
  • Lotion, sanitizer
3. A granola bar.  I get hungry often and suffer from hangry syndrome.

4. My car ( It never said that was against the rules.) What my mini hand bag emergency kit doesn't have, my car will. Plus, I always prefer to have my own car, I just feel better about it.  

5. A sweater.  I am never with out a sweater. . . EVER. 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Thursday's Thoughts

I'm following the lovely Jennifer at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

(Obviously, this is a few days late... so busy around here.)
  • Had my first actual work out session with my trainer.  It went great although I was sad to see how weak I have become.   He recommend one of the things I focus on is planks.   Seems easy, but when he asked me to do a 30 second plank... I made 12.5.   So disappointing.I found this 30 day challenge...I tried it once before but lost my motivation.  
30 Day Plank Challenge Fitness Workout Chart
  • Got our 2nd Citrus Lane box. Love it, but still haven't decided if its worth the price. Last box, Andrew loved his wooden blocks, this time he threw everything back in the box and walked away... The box was a bit more geared towards Mommy than things he could play with.
UPDATE: He loved the bath toys it came with. May the box wasn't such a bust for him.

  • I have spent the last three weeks desperately looking for something new to read and finding nothing... now, suddenly I have at least a dozen books I must read. Why is it always feast or famine? On my reading list now:
What I Know For Sure
Oprah Winfrey
Product Details
My Name is Resolute
Nancy E. Turner
Product Details
Sophia Amoruso
Product Details
The King’s Curse
Philippa Gregory
Product Details
The Invention of Wings
Sue Monk
Product Details

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Dooms Day

Apperently, My sister and I are covered if things get real....

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday Thoughts

I'm following the lovely Jennifer at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom 

So many thoughts, such little time to organize them all...

·         I met with my personal trainer today. I am so excited! He is extremely knowledgeable and extremely kind. I feel he will be able to help me met my goals while keeping focused but not stressed. I can’t wait to see what the coming weeks bring and see the transformation. Although…I’m not going to lie, it was a bit intimidating to walk in to a gym with mostly men and all of which I’m sure could bench press as Mack truck… Even the two ladies that were in there were on their game.


·         I posted my first TBT (Throw Back Thursday) post on Facebook today.  It was crazy to see pictures of my little man when he was so little.   I am totally a momarazzi with him, but I don’t look back at the pictures as often.  I still think of him (now 21 Months) as being so little, but seeing those older photos… He was SO little!  


·         I just found out that my father is going to fly home for the weekend so we can go to a Martina McBride concert in November.   I am so excited I cannot breathe.  He has loved her for years. All through my teen years he was there with a Martina song to cheer me up or celebrate. For good times and bad, her voice and words have become my guiding light. Every time he comes home we try to make one of her shows…Timing is never on our side and so her concerts have made our bucket lists and its FINALLY happening!  

Martina McBride one of the classy ladies in Country , that has an amazing her songs!