It's Unbelievable that I have turned THIRTY! That's so old! I remember being 15 and my mother calling a family friend a kid when he was 25, that was so old to me! 30, wasn't even on my radar yet. Well, it is now!
I must say turning 30 wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I had a rough time with 21, 24, 27. Odd, hu? Something about those ages made me feel old. And let's face it, by certain ages you are expected to have your ducks in a row... and well... what if mine weren't? Although, In hind-sight, they were more then in a row, they were color coded and inventoried, so I think I was doing pretty well.
It also helped that I had some great friends help me celebrate.
My co-workers held a lovely 'Healthy' brunch.
Everything was so bright and cheerful, with all my favorite foods. How could anyone be bummed?
FYI- Those cupcakes were cookie dough filled and were AMAZ-BALLZ! You can find the recipe here at Recipe Girl.
Later, my group of friends threw me a great 80's themed birthday party! Unfortunately, we totally forgot to get any pictures to document this night, but it was very much like this...
And it was awesome! However, This was my dress...
I feel pretty good about 30. Everyone I know has told me it was their favorite age. Time will tell, but I can say, so far I feel pretty confident about it. I still feel like I don't have everything together and that's ok, but for the most part, I feel like I have a grip on it. Also... Oddly enough, Sex and the City, seems more relevant now than ever... Odd.